A Memorial Tree is a great way for businesses, the public, or agencies to commemorate a loved one, employee, or a special event.
By enrolling in this program, your gift will be used to purchase a tree to be planted on the Capitol Complex. Trees will be cared for by our professional landscaping team.
Tartarian Maple
Fall Fiesta Maple
Helena Maple
Cut Leaf Birch
Cockspur Hawthorn
Snow Crabapple
Prairiefire Crabapple
Quaking Aspen
Canada Red Chokecherry
Redmond Linden
Bur Oak
Ohio Buckeye
Horse Chestnut
Shademaster Locust
Once planted, a picture of the tree along with a map of its location will be mailed to you or the person of your choosing.
To purchase a memorial tree, use the button below or email our Service Desk directly at GSDServiceDesk@mt.gov. Tree species availability may vary depending on the desired location for planting. Please include a description of the tree or a location preference to help our Grounds team better serve you.
Request Memorial Tree Enrollment